Current Trends in Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials are the studies which covers high quality manuscripts both relevant and applicable to the broad field of experiments or observations done in clinical research. These studies renders novel, clear connection with clinical practitioners, medical/ health practitioners, students, professionals, researchers, professional bodies and institutions.

Focus and Scope
Currently Clinical Trials objective is to maintain and develop science and related research at an international level. It is important to bring into light of outstanding research and development results to the world instantaneously in latest advancements towards clinical trials to achieve objective of the clinical trials.

Highlighted Topics
• Adverse Event Monitoring
• Biomarkers in Clinical Trials
• Biostatistics
• Clinical Case Studies
• Clinical Practice Guidelines
• Clinical Progress for Specific Diseases or Therapeutic Areas
• Clinical Research & Bioethics
• Clinical Study Design and Methodology
• Clinical Trial Data Management and Statistics
• Clinical Trial Methodology
• Clinical Trials
• Clinical Trials Data Management & Software
• Clinical Trials Europe
• Clinical Trials Japan
• Clinical Trials USFDA
• Contemporary Clinical Trials
• Data Auditing Methodologies
• Diabetic Trials
• Drug Clinical Trials
• Drug Safety Issues
• Findings in Phase -I to -IV clinical studies
• Healthcare Outcomes and Pharmacoeconomics
• HIV Clinical Trials
• Overviews of the Clinical Progress of New Drugs or Drug Classes
• Patient Stratification and Individualized Therapies
• Pilot Studies
• Preclinical Trials
• Protocol
• Psychiatric Studies
• Quality Assurance & Data Auditing Methodologies
• Randomized Controlled Trials
• Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Trials
• Regulatory Issues
• Rehabilitation Protocols

Seven trends that should be familiar to all in clinical development:
  1. Increasingly complex trials: More and more interest is building in iteratively modifying parameters of a trial protocol based on real-time outcomes
  2. Precision medicine: Precision medicine is on the rise as the technology increases to administer therapeutics to patients in highly individualized ways.
  3. Virtual trials: Virtual clinical trials represent a new method of collecting safety and efficacy data from clinical trial participants through the use of mobile health (mHealth) technology without requiring them to visit facilities or doctor’s offices.
  4. Patient centricity: Patients are no longer recipients of healthcare, they are active participants. Patient centricity requires more than simply gaining insight from patients; it includes a focus on meeting patient needs and translating patient insights to products that improve outcomes.
  5. Big data analytics and AI modeling: Advances in data analytics and visualization enable researchers to explore and interact with large-scale, often aggregate, bodies of data.
  6. Ever-more data: As the genomics revolution hits the mainstream and real-world data (such as wearable sensors and patient social media trails) becomes accessible and accepted, clinical trials have an explosion of data to ingest, manage and analyze.
  7. Blockchain: Blockchain is a linked data structure that establishes a timestamped, chronological record of history that cannot be tampered with or deleted because no single person or organization has control over the ledger.

These trends in clinical research indicate a shift from efficiency centric approach to a broad based effectiveness oriented approach.


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