Oral Delivery Method in Controlling Blood Sugar Level in Diabetics

Oral delivery method of Insulin can change the whole view of controlling the diabetes and keep updating about one’s blood sugar level. It has promise to give a good quality of life up to 40million people with type 1 diabetes. It also overcomes the side effects faced by the patients when they are unable to inject with insulin. Insulin is just injected to the subcutaneous layer of skin which is usually used therapy to check the blood sugar level, but many fail due to pain, phobia of needles etc. As insulin is a protein, when it enters orally it reacts with the stomach's acidic environment and it is partially absorbed out of the intestine. This approach is adopted by inserting insulin in an ionic liquid which is composed of choline and geranic acid which is later filled inside a capsule with an acid-resistant enteric coating. The orally available insulin thus is biocompatible, easy to produce and has longer shelf life than the market available injectable insulin. The ins...